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Don’t Panic! How to Move in Two Weeks or Less

Sometimes, life throws us curveballs. We may believe we’ve got everything planned out, and then a series of events steamroll those plans. Whatever the case, you find yourself in a tough spot, and the clock is running. That’s about the time that you feel the icy cold hands of panic gripping you.

Having to move in two weeks or less – for whatever reason – is one of those moments.

But there’s no reason to panic! Take a look at the following tips. They can help you manage this moment and keep things from spiraling out of control. Don’t panic! You’re going to make it.

Tips For a Fast Move

If you are reading this, it likely means you are already feeling that panic. Or at least the slight unease that proceeds panic. So, let’s get right to it. Keep calm and read on.

Book a Mover

Do this first. You want to book them now so you know they will have a truck available on your moving day. With just two weeks left, you don’t have a lot of wiggle room. Make sure you ask the right questions and avoid common scams.

Get Professional Help

When choosing a mover, look for ones who provide the moving services that can make a short timeframe move more doable. When it comes right down to it, it’s getting the boxes and other packing materials, boxing everything up, and disassembling furniture (like beds) that present the biggest challenges. The best moving services can help with, for example, packing and unpacking services.

Clear Out Quickly

Sometimes it’s easier to declutter your home and throw out unneeded items if you make quick decisions. Considering too many options makes the process last longer, and you can’t afford to get slowed down. That said, even with limited time, try to do it in sections, because decluttering can get exhausting if you do too much at once. Some easy places to start and get the ball rolling include shoes you haven’t worn in a year, clothes that are threadbare or no longer fit, old towels and bedding, and even old photographs (you can take a picture of the images you want to keep with your cell phone).

Label Boxes

If you pack yourself, make sure to clearly label everything. Make special note of boxes filled with fragile items.

Prepare a Loading Zone

Make sure the moving truck can get close to your home. Also, speak with the landlord or neighbors if loading the truck is going to block a street or part of the parking area for any length of time.

Make a List of Places to Contact

This is a no-skip step. Get the number of all utility companies and other services you need to contact to cancel service. Then, list all the places you must call in your new location and make appointments ahead of time, so you don’t go without internet service, electricity, water, etc.

Put the First Things You Use in the Car

When you get to your new place, you’ll want toiletries, medication, vitamins, kid supplies, pet food, and toys, etc. Whatever it is you need, pack them in your car where you can easily get to them. The same goes for any potted plants you might want to move.

How to Clean Out Your Home Fast

It’s important to spend extra time creating steps to clean out the house. With a focused effort, it’s possible to clean out a house in two weeks (or even less). Focused effort means doing something every night and over the one weekend, you have left. This isn’t a time to start a new series on Netflix.

Declutter. As noted above, don’t skip decluttering just because you’re running late. Take some time, walk through your house with a trash bag (or two or three), and get rid of the easy stuff that you know you don’t need. You’ll immediately feel better. Some of the areas that tend to be clutter magnets include:

  1. The drawer in the kitchen where everything throws extra plastic dinnerware, receipts, and other random items
  2. The battery drawer, which always ends up holding more than batteries
  3. The garage
  4. The attic
  5. The extra drawers in the bathroom
  6. The spare bedroom

Take inventory. Walk through your home writing down the items in each room. Take a moment to determine where you will put them in your new home. If they won’t work (or fit), make plans to have them hauled away (junk removal is a big help in these situations) or donated to charity.

Pack seldom-used items. Items such as books, extra towels, and extra linen can get packed immediately because you won’t need them in the next two weeks. This is another opportunity to purge anything that you don’t think you’ll use in your new home.

Staging area. Make the least-used room in your home a staging area for boxes.

Label and number. Every box should be labeled and numbered (the number can indicate the destination room). Create a separate area for boxes you want to go to storage rather than your new home.

Pack frequently used items. This requires waiting until the last couple of days before departure. This includes dishes, pots, pans, silverware, etc. If possible, you can take over a few carloads to your new home. If not, make sure they are clearly marked and easily accessible once you arrive.

Deep clean the home. Now’s the time to mop the floors, vacuum carpets, and carefully clean the refrigerator and appliances.

Take care of these issues, and you can move out of a house in two weeks or less. It just takes a little time to plan (very little) and some decisive, quick action. In some ways, it might actually turn out better than thinking about a move for a month or longer.

Need Help? We Can Assist with Your Move on Short Notice, Just Give Us a Call at (561) 683-1313 to Speak with a Relocation Specialist Now


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